Easy – Insert Wikipedia extracts into Power BI using an API
This example shows how easy it is to insert Wikipedia extracts into a Power BI report using the Wikimedia API.
Hackathon – Plotting Shipwrecks Off The Coast of Scotland
Over 23,000 ships have been wrecked off the coast of Scotland. I was astounded when I discovered that figure as it’s far higher than I would have guessed. I quickly went from being astonished to being quite sombre thinking about how many lives would have been lost at sea. Why am I telling you this? Well …..
Using Wikimedia Commons Artwork in a Power BI report
#worldbookday2022 Discovered last month that some illustrations for The Frog Prince, a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm, are held by Aberdeen Archives, Museums and Galleries (AAGM). I came across the artwork whilst taking part in a wiki editathon. Couldn’t resist giving The Frog Prince it’s own page (page 3) in this very draft report -
Waste Wizards team at Code the City hackathon
At CTC Hackathon in November 2021 the Waste Wizards team gathered to help plot Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRC) and their facilities on Open Waste Map through updating Open Street Map.
Scottish Open Data Unconference October 2021 How do we demonstrate the value of open data?
Question: How do we demonstrate the value of open data?
Response: Create some noise!
HTML & CSS Image Code Attributes Description
Description of HTML & CSS image code attributes
Easy – Add a WikiCommons image to a web page
You want to insert an image from WikiCommons onto a web page, it’s easy. All you need to do is copy and paste one line of code into the source html file.
Easy – Plotting items on a map using Power BI
It’s easy to plot items onto a map using Power BI. With a few clicks data can be gathered, a map created, and markers plotted onto the map. Simple!
View a local web page in a browser
To view a local web page in a browser, select the file from folder in which it is saved and press open
How to set up a new html page
How to set up a new html page
Google map html & css code attributes descriptions
Description of Google map html & css code attributes
Open Data – Encouraging case studies in Scotland
How are Scottish companies and organisations using open data? What data originating in Scotland has been made open to the world. Those were the questions posed at 2020 Scottish Open Data Unconference