HTML & CSS Image Code Attributes Description

img – use to advise that an image is to be rendered on the page src – contains the URL of the frame to which we are linking in the other webpage, or could point direct to a folder in on your computer or a cloud location. alt – use to describe an image...

Easy – Add a WikiCommons image to a web page

Glamis Castle, Scotland: Image by Rev Stan/Wikimedia You want to insert an image from WikiCommons onto a web page, it’s easy. All you need to do is copy and paste one line of code into the source html file. That’s it! Insert an image Open your existing...
How to set up a new html page

How to set up a new html page

Create a new html page To create a page you will need to set up a file which ends with ‘.html’ Most computers come with an inbuilt text editor that allows the creation of html page so you may not need to install any software to create an html page. You can...
Google map html & css code attributes descriptions

Google map html & css code attributes descriptions

iframe – creates a frame on a page which contains another webpage, effectively creates a webpage within a webpage src – contains the URL of the frame to which we are linking in the other webpage, i.e. the frame in Google maps. width – specifies the width of the...

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