Open Data


Articles and How to guides

Open Data – Encouraging case studies in Scotland

How are Scottish companies and organisations using open data? What data originating in Scotland has been made open to the world? Questions posed at SODU2020

R Project – create bar chart using gglot2

Follow along practical example – In an R script upload a spreadsheet, manipulate the data by removing column/variable, change variable name, and pivot columns, and then producing a bar chart.

Adding Wikimedia Art to Power BI

Discovering interesting images in Wikimedia made available by Aberdeen Archives, Museums and Galleries which have then been displayed in Power BI

How to track ships using AIS data

Did you know that you can track the location of vessels? All you need is the AIS data transmitted by the vessel.

RShiny – add catchment areas to a map using geoJSON

This example shows how easy it is to insert Wikipedia extracts into a Power BI report using the Wikimedia API.

Hackathon – Waste Wizards team

At CTC Hackathon in November 2021 the Waste Wizards team plotted Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRC) and their facilities on Open Waste Map. 

R Project – create line chart

Follow along practical example – In an R script upload a spreadsheet, manipulate the data by pivoting columns, and then producing a line chart with data points.

Quick Guide: Wikipedia API in Power BI

This example shows how easy it is to insert Wikipedia extracts into a Power BI report using the Wikimedia API.

Hackathon: Mapping Scotland’s Shipwrecks

Hackathon – using open data to map Scottish Shipwrecks


Wikipedia extracts for ships arriving in Aberdeen Harbour

Using Simple R Script to Import Wikidata into Power BI | Map Location Data Tutorial

Treemap Power BI project using Scottish Tourism Open Data

map of school catchment areas

RShiny project - Plot polygons from GeoJSON file to leaflet map and plot circles from excel file

R project create line chart with dots and hover over

How to Create Line Charts with Points Using ggplot2 & plotly in R | Data Visualization Tutorial

Track direction of ship movement in R Shiny app using AIS open data

Mapping Wikidata Shipwreck data in an R Shiny App

Using OpenStreetMap osmosis extract street names from polygon on map for display in RShiny table

Using OpenStreetMap osmosis extract street names from polygon on map for display in RShiny table

RProject spreadsheet to barchart

R Project - how to create bar chart (ggplot2) from spreadsheet-includes data pivot & remove a column

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