

Articles and How to guides

RShiny – add catchment areas to a map using geoJSON

This example shows how easy it is to insert Wikipedia extracts into a Power BI report using the Wikimedia API.

Automatic Identification System (AIS) data – let’s track vessels!

Ahoy there! Did you know that you can track the location of vessels? All you need is the AIS data transmitted by the vessel. AIS data provides a wealth of information including current location, course, and speed all of which can all be used to make waves in the field of data analytics.

Hackathon: Mapping Scotland’s Shipwrecks

Over 23,000 ships have been wrecked off the coast of Scotland. I was astounded when I discovered that figure as it’s far higher than I would have guessed. I quickly went from being astonished to being quite sombre thinking about how many lives would have been lost at sea. Why am I telling you this? Well …..

Waste Wizards team at Code the City hackathon

At CTC Hackathon in November 2021 the Waste Wizards team gathered to help plot Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRC) and their facilities on Open Waste Map through updating Open Street Map. 


Image of shipwrecks off coast of Scotland in RShiny app

Mapping Wikidata Shipwreck data in an R Shiny App

map of school catchment areas

RShiny project - Plot polygons from GeoJSON file to leaflet map and plot circles from excel file

R shiny leaflet map layers

In R Shiny create a layer on a map which can be toggled off and on

Using OpenStreetMap osmosis extract street names from polygon on map for display in RShiny table

Using OpenStreetMap osmosis extract street names from polygon on map for display in RShiny table

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