RStudio and R


Articles and How to guides

R Project – create line chart

Follow along practical example – In an R script upload a spreadsheet, manipulate the data by pivoting columns, and then producing a line chart with data points.

R Project – create bar chart – uses gglot2 package

Follow along practical example – In an R script upload a spreadsheet, manipulate the data by removing column/variable, change variable name, and pivot columns, and then producing a bar chart.

RShiny – add catchment areas to a map using geoJSON

This example shows how easy it is to insert Wikipedia extracts into a Power BI report using the Wikimedia API.

Automatic Identification System (AIS) data – let’s track vessels!

Ahoy there! Did you know that you can track the location of vessels? All you need is the AIS data transmitted by the vessel. AIS data provides a wealth of information including current location, course, and speed all of which can all be used to make waves in the field of data analytics.


RProject spreadsheet to barchart

R Project - how to create bar chart (ggplot2) from spreadsheet-includes data pivot & remove a column

R project create line chart with dots and hover over

R Project - create line chart with points (ggplot2 & plotly) from spreadsheet-includes data pivot

Mapping Wikidata Shipwreck data in an R Shiny App

In R dataframe - how to alter the number of observations and/or variables

In R dataframe - how to alter the number of observations and/or variables

PBI AAGM images

Power BI project - Create image grids - Images from Wikidata brought in using a simple R script

map of school catchment areas

Add schools and their catchment areas to a map using a geoJson file

Using OpenStreetMap osmosis extract street names from polygon on map for display in RShiny  table

Extract street names from a shape using OpenStreetMap tools and RShiny

R shiny leaflet map layers

In R Shiny create leaflet map, add layer of rectangle shapes, toggle layer on and off - example

R merge 3 tables

Using R code, merge 3 csv files using left joins in an R Script - follow along using open data

RShiny datatable with buttons - follow along

RShiny - Create a table from data extracted from a geoJSON file and add buttons to allow user to download or copy the contents of the table

Using simple R script bring Wikidata into Power BI

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